Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Playing God

Everytime a calamity strikes, I really get annoyed when I how people blabber about it being God's wrath, or how the world will end soon. Do we really need to blame it all on God, for God's sake!?

When landslides ruined several provinces, it was not an act of God. It was a bitter harvest of what we have sown, or in this case what illegal loggers reaped in wanton regard.

When we see hungry and homeless children roam our streets begging, I do not see it as an act of God. It's a picture of a society where surplus food in restaurants are being burned rather than donated to poor families, because doing so would upset their statistics and records. (Additional taxes, I can agree with but how much of it really goes back to us, the taxpayers?)

When a bomb goes off in a public place or in a public transport, can you say that it's an act of God? I say it is an act of a few who are narrow-minded enough to pull such an inhuman stunt for an equally narrow-minded cause.

(Don't get me wrong, I do believe in a Supreme Being who governs all but can we stop blaming him/her for what we are doing to ourselves!? And I can't imagine a God who would require his faithful blood sacrifice and murder. As one professor in college once told us, DO NOT LET RELIGION RUIN YOUR SPIRITUALITY)
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