Saturday, January 22, 2005

26 on 27

I am turning 26 on the 27th and I promised myself that I will be celebrating my birthday this year. No, it am not really into a party-throwing, shop-til-I-drop mood. I plan to celebrate it on a nice beach a month or 2 from now, sipping margaritas while watching the sunset? Not bad at all.

After a quarter-century of existence I think I have grown tired of over-analyzing life as it is. Birthdays (and Christmases and New Years) do give you that feeling to look back and examine the years that you have spent. Spent...hmm, I really think Lived or Experienced is a more appropriate term here. Spending is like losing some part of you (well, in some ways this is true), though I rather see it as sharing. Looking back, I believe that I have shared a part of me on every single person that I met in this life. Sometimes I try to imagine the faces of the people that I met in my lifetime, and it always surprises me to know that I have met quite a lot. Some do stand out - close friends, family members, the ones who made you laugh, the ones you spent your tears on. Others simply fade back into the crowd, and you always wonder where they are at this moment.

People come and go, leaving with them a trail of experiences and memories. But some you hold on to, not out of need but wanting them to be part of life, your life as it continually unfolds.

For Year 26, Project Paolo looks forward to -
1) Learning something new
2) Visiting places (paging Kayan<---travel adviser) :P
3) Saving money (God Help Us!)
4) Watching more Football games
5) Home

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