Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Planting my Roots

Someone asked if I do not envy my friends who were able to travel after college and I answered that I honestly did not. Sure, I am happy for them to be able to visit other places, take pictures in exotic locations and be a stranger in a foreign land. Fact is, I travelled all my life and I am now enjoying a life where I can settle down and plant my roots. Sometimes it's a good feeling to rest my travelling shoes and unpack the things that I've acquired on my travels.

I started 'travelling' at an early age. While my peers were still being pampered in their homes, I was already extending my boundaries outside our small town. My high school memories were full of bus rides to the seminary and we were seldom allowed to go home. The little free time I had, I would divide between spending time with my Lola Alme and our home in Donsol. Sickness finally made me settle down in my home town and finish my studies there. Given the time to settle down and rest from 2 years worth of travel, high school was one of my happiest times in my life.

I packed my bags the second time when the halls of UP beckoned. After almost 6 tiring years of 'travel' it was again time to hang up my travelling boots and put to rest my wanderlust. This time, I am settling down on my own. The joys of home have finally faded and my sanctuary is 'where I lay my head', as the song goes.

This, however is but temporary. I know in time that the traveler in me would still crave for still-unseen lands and new people to meet. Until that time comes, I will enjoy my time settling down and planting my roots.

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