Sunday, October 03, 2004

A Final Chess Match

White Pawn to King 4...
You were already in the hospital then. I was expecting to have a night or two before coming back Manila, hoping to enjoy the last days of my vacation.

Black Pawn to King 3
They told me you ate something that totally upset your system. It was the first week of New Year, "that was something to be expected" I thought.
It's been a long time since I last saw you, and though I have always prepared myself for this moment, nothing could have prepared me for what I was to see...

White Pawn to Queen 4
Black Knight to Bishop 3
White Pawn takes Black Pawn...
After the news of your acciddent came, I numbed myself and decided that I would come and visit after you have somehow "recovered" and I was encouraged by the news that I gleaned from my brothers and sisters. I knew that the time for my visit would finally come. After all, i was "always busy" with my work. But you knew that I would be too distraught to see you in such a state.

Black Knight takes Pawn
You were after all, one of the pillars that held the roof together and few people would ever want to know and acknowledge that one pillar of their house is crumbling. I lent my hand from afar, afraid that I too would crumble if I were to share the cross that you bear.

White Knight to Bishop 3
I finally came to visit. I was though that the accident would leave you this way, in my perfect world I never imagined the hardships that you encountered everyday. It never crossed my mind that such a strong and confident person would be afflicted by depression that was brought about by the accident.

All I wanted then was a chess match with you, as Sam told me how tough nut you are top crack. It seems like fate has some other plans.

White King castles
For the few moments that we were together, you never reprimanded me for not visiting earlier. You never told me about the pains that you have save for some minor discomforts. You showed me how it is to have courage and hope when faced with such a situation.

You said good night but you never said good-bye, and you never gave me a chance to beat you on a chess match.

White Tower captures White Knight, Checkmate.

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